Wednesday 12 October 2016

Focus Group - Question & Answers

Here is the information i gathered from our focus group after showing them our test footage; involving previously prepared questions.

From our test footage, what impact do you think our camera techniques will have on our music video?
The idea of using Close-Ups, alongside Over the Shoulder shots, allows the video to be more personal but also creates a star image for our artist as the our target demographic is able to identify the protagonist easily. By using Long-Shots it creates a wider view, not only does it involve the artist but it also allows the audience to see any known landmarks. However if we was to incorporate a 360 degree shot, this would create a wider view of the location and allow the audience to see the different cultural aspects from a different perspective.

Do you think the locations, used in our test footage is relevant to our genre and narrative?
Iconography, shows conventions of the genre but also provides the audience with a known location setting, potentially creating a wider audience. Internationally people will know these landmarks.

Can you see any Pop genre, codes and conventions?
From viewing out test footage, our focus group identified that the lip syncing is conventional, in addition they indicated that our artists outfit is very fashionable.

Do you believe our artists name, Marcus Matthews, is generic of the Pop genre?
The idea of having the initials 'MM' implicates a name easy to remember and pronounce due to its alliteration, yet it provides the demographic with a catchy name.

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